Our Literary Footprint
Since 2021, we've been delivering carefully curated feminist and diverse indie books directly to readers' doorsteps. All our selections are from women, queer men, and writers who identify as non-binary.
Translated Fiction
Most of our books are translated from other languages – meaning we're reading a diverse range of literary voices and perspectives.
Translated Fiction
Percentage of Good Book Club books that are translated into English
Less than 3% of books published in English are translations from other language (source).
A range of languages
The books we've sent were originally written in these mother tongues.
7.14% Portuguese
3.57% Dutch
7.14% Swedish
10.71% Spanish
14.29% French
3.57% Polish
3.57% Welsh
3.57% Korean
3.57% German
3.57% Japanese
3.57% Vietnamese
35.71% Not Translated
Global reads
Our choices are anything but Euro-centric.
Gobally, only 36% of books translated into English are from non-European countries (source).
Travelling all over the world... from an armchair
Good Book Club pics will take you on a voyage across the globe.
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